With innovation, the future of food could include a world without violence, floods and tsunamis. Here's how the meat-free food scene is evolving.
A long time a...
Battling with sleep problems? A doctor shares top tips to get a good night's rest.
Millions of Americans toss and turn much of the night, unable to fall asleep...
One of the health benefits zinc provides is to protect against oxidative stress, especially when taken with wine, coffee tea and chocolate.
Ageing and a low li...
Daylight Saving Time change can mess with your body and make you crave for a lie-in. How can you be prepared for it?
As clocks are set to change in the USA soo...
Avoid pill popping for common ailments and try grandma's natural home remedies for common problems like cold, cough, sore throats, muscle aches and more.
These air purifying plants for your home and office remove toxins and offer some amazing health benefits.
It's no secret that having plants around can provide ...
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